Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption
In a world where civilization has crumbled and zombies vastly outnumber humans, each day is a struggle for survival. On the brink of surrendering to this harsh reality, the tough drifter John Knox is rescued by a scrappy band of survivors led by a man named Moses. Initially met with distrust, Knox eventually earns his place within this makeshift family in the desolate landscape. However, their fragile peace is shattered when a group of deranged raiders launches a brutal assault on their camp, leaving many dead or captured. Knox, along with a handful of survivors who managed to escape, must rally their resources—including the use of zombies—to mount a daring, all-or-nothing offensive against the raiders’ stronghold.
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Director: Ryan Thompson
Actors: Didrik Davis, Fred Williamson, Jerry Lynch, John Migliore, Johnny Gel, Joseph Scott Anthony, Tom Downing, Tommy Beardmore
Country: United States of America
Company: AUX Entertainment, Monroe Studios, Phantasmal Pictures