Pia, a young girl from a quaint German village, experiences a life-altering event when she unexpectedly discovers a massive black creature in her garden. She quickly learns that this enigmatic being, named Yoko, is a benevolent yeti with a mission to safeguard animals and children across the globe. Yoko consistently reveals his extraordinary abilities to Pia and her friends, but they aren’t the only ones interested in the yeti. His immense worth attracts the attention of two hunters eager to exploit him.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Franziska Buch
Actors: Friedrich Heine, Helmfried von Lüttichau, Hoang Dang-Vu, Jamie Bick, Jessica Schwarz, Justus von Dohnányi, Laurentsio Pettersson, Lilly Reulein, Theresa Underberg, Tobias Moretti
Country: Austria, Germany, Sweden
Company: B.A. Produktion, Blue Eyes Fiction, Deutsche Columbia Pictures Film Produktion
Worldwide Gross: $5,191,840