In this vibrant musical fantasy, a struggling artist named Sonny Malone, played by Michael Beck, finds his life transformed when he encounters a mysterious and enchanting muse named Kira, portrayed by Olivia Newton-John. Together, they embark on a journey to create a unique roller disco nightclub, blending the charm of the 1940s with the energy of the 1980s. The film features a memorable soundtrack, including the hit song “Magic,” and showcases the legendary Gene Kelly in one of his final film roles. Directed by Robert Greenwald, this film is a colorful celebration of music and dance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Fantasy, Musical, Romance, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Robert Greenwald
Actors: Dimitra Arliss, Fred McCarren, Gene Kelly, James Sloyan, Katie Hanley, Lynn Latham, Michael Beck, Olivia Newton-John, Ren Woods, Sandahl Bergman
Country: United States of America
Company: Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $22,765,400