Wolf Creek 2
In this intense thriller, the notorious Mick Taylor returns to the Australian outback, where he preys on unsuspecting tourists. The film follows a young German couple and a British traveler as they encounter the sadistic killer, leading to a harrowing game of cat and mouse. John Jarratt reprises his chilling role as Mick Taylor, delivering a performance that is both terrifying and captivating. Directed by Greg McLean, the movie showcases the vast and haunting landscapes of Australia, adding to the film’s atmospheric tension. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Greg McLean
Actors: Annie Byron, Ben Gerrard, Chloé Boreham, Gerard Kennedy, John Jarratt, Philippe Klaus, Ryan Corr, Sarah Roberts, Shane Connor, Shannon Ashlyn
Country: Australia
Company: Duo Art Productions, Screen Australia, The South Australian Film Corporation
Worldwide Gross: $4,383,978