Willy’s Wonderland
In this horror-comedy film directed by Kevin Lewis, a quiet drifter, played by Nicolas Cage, finds himself stranded in a remote town. To pay for his car repairs, he agrees to spend the night cleaning an abandoned family entertainment center. However, the animatronic mascots inside come to life with a sinister intent, turning his task into a fight for survival. The film is notable for Cage’s unique performance, as he delivers a mostly silent role, adding an intriguing layer to the character. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Director: Kevin Lewis
Actors: Beth Grant, Caylee Cowan, Chris Warner, Christian Delgrosso, Emily Tosta, Jonathan Mercedes, Kai Kadlec, Nicolas Cage, Ric Reitz, Terayle Hill
Country: United States of America
Company: JD Entertainment, Landafar Entertainment, Landmark Studio Group
Worldwide Gross: $457,144