Where Hope Grows
In this heartfelt drama, a former professional baseball player named Calvin Campbell struggles with personal demons and a lack of direction in life. His world takes a turn when he forms an unexpected friendship with a young man with Down syndrome, who works at the local grocery store. This relationship becomes a source of inspiration and hope, leading Calvin to reevaluate his priorities and find new meaning. The film stars Kristoffer Polaha and David DeSanctis, whose performances bring depth to the story. Directed by Chris Dowling, this movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 4
Director: Chris Dowling
Actors: Alan Powell, Brooke Burns, Clyde Jones, Danica McKellar, David DeSanctis, Kerr Smith, Kristoffer Polaha, McKaley Miller, Michael Grant, William Zabka
Country: United States of America
Company: Attic Light Films, Godspeed Pictures, Stealth Tiger Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $1,159,072