What We Did on Our Holiday
A heartwarming British comedy-drama, this film follows a family on a trip to Scotland for a grandparent’s birthday celebration, where they navigate personal conflicts and unexpected events. Starring David Tennant, Rosamund Pike, and Billy Connolly, the movie explores themes of family dynamics and the innocence of childhood. Directed by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, it combines humor with poignant moments, offering a reflective look at life’s complexities. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 2
Director: Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin
Actors: Amelia Bullmore, Annette Crosbie, Ben Miller, Billy Connolly, Bobby Smalldridge, Celia Imrie, David Tennant, Emilia Jones, Harriet Turnbull, Rosamund Pike
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Backwell Productions, BBC Film, BBC Films, Lipsync Productions
Worldwide Gross: $10,714,112