Whale Rider
Set in a small New Zealand coastal village, this film tells the story of a young Maori girl named Pai, who aspires to become the chief of her tribe despite the traditional male-only succession line. The narrative explores themes of cultural heritage, gender roles, and personal determination, as Pai seeks to prove her worth to her grandfather, the current chief. Directed by Niki Caro, the movie features a standout performance by Keisha Castle-Hughes, who was nominated for an Academy Award for her role. The film received critical acclaim and won several awards, including the Toronto International Film Festival’s People’s Choice Award. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Niki Caro
Actors: Cliff Curtis, Grant Roa, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Mabel Wharekawa, Mana Taumaunu, Rachel House, Rawiri Paratene, Tammy Davis, Taungaroa Emile, Vicky Haughton
Country: Germany, New Zealand
Company: ApolloMedia Distribution, Pandora Filmproduktion, South Pacific Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $41,062,976