West Side Story
Set in 1950s New York City, this film explores the intense rivalry between two teenage street gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, as they vie for control of their neighborhood. Amidst the tension, a forbidden romance blossoms between Tony, a former Jet, and Maria, the sister of the Sharks’ leader, adding a layer of complexity to the conflict. Directed by the renowned Steven Spielberg, the movie features standout performances by Ansel Elgort and Rachel Zegler. The film has been recognized with several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Ariana DeBose. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Genre: Crime, Drama, Featured movies, Golden Globe Winners 2022, Musical, Oscar 2022, Romance
Director: Steven Spielberg
Actors: Ana Isabelle, Ansel Elgort, Ariana DeBose, Brian d'Arcy James, Corey Stoll, David Alvarez, Josh Andrés Rivera, Mike Faist, Rachel Zegler, Rita Moreno
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: 20th Century Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Amblin Partners
Worldwide Gross: $76,016,171