We Own the Night
Set in the gritty backdrop of 1980s New York City, this crime drama follows the turbulent lives of two brothers on opposite sides of the law. Bobby Green, played by Joaquin Phoenix, manages a nightclub frequented by the city’s underworld, while his brother Joseph, portrayed by Mark Wahlberg, is a rising star in the NYPD. As a dangerous Russian drug cartel threatens their family, the brothers must navigate their strained relationship and conflicting loyalties. Directed by James Gray, the film also stars Robert Duvall and Eva Mendes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: James Gray
Actors: Alex Veadov, Antoni Corone, Danny Hoch, Eva Mendes, Joaquin Phoenix, Katie Condidorio, Mark Wahlberg, Paul Herman, Robert Duvall, Tony Musante
Country: United States of America
Company: 2929 Productions, Columbia Pictures, Industry Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $55,033,767