Voodoo Moon
Set in the American Midwest, “Voodoo Moon” follows the chilling tale of a demonic entity that wipes out an entire town, sparing only a young boy and his sister. Two decades later, the boy, now obsessed with finding the demon, believes he has finally located it. His sister, an artist with psychic powers, channels her premonitions of catastrophe into her artwork. Together, the siblings join forces to battle the demon, aided by several individuals they have supported throughout the years.
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Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Kevin VanHook
Actors: Charisma Carpenter, David Jean Thomas, Dee Wallace, Eric Mabius, Jayne Heitmeyer, Jeffrey Combs, John Amos, Kim Hawthorne, Reynaldo Gallegos, Rik Young
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: IDT Entertainment, Troublemaker Studios