Varsity Blood
In this slasher film directed by Jake Helgren, a group of high school cheerleaders and football players find themselves in a deadly game of cat and mouse during a Halloween party. As the night unfolds, a masked killer begins to pick them off one by one, leading to a suspenseful and bloody climax. The film features performances from Lexi Giovagnoli and Wesley Scott, adding to the tension and drama. While it may not have received any major awards, it offers a nostalgic nod to classic horror tropes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jake Helgren
Actors: Blair Jackson, Debbie Rochon, Elyse Bigler, Jesse Ferraro, Kiarra Hogan, Lexi Giovagnoli, Melody Herron, Natalie Peyton, Payton Wood, Wesley Scott
Country: United States of America
Company: DAVED Productions, Flashback Films, G It's Entertainment