In this 2005 action-thriller, Jet Li stars as Danny, a man raised by a ruthless gangster, played by Bob Hoskins, to be a lethal fighting machine. When a chance encounter with a blind piano tuner, portrayed by Morgan Freeman, offers him a glimpse of a different life, Danny begins to question his violent existence. Directed by Louis Leterrier, the film explores themes of freedom and humanity amidst intense action sequences. While it didn’t receive major awards, the film is noted for its unique blend of martial arts and emotional depth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
Director: Louis Leterrier
Actors: Bob Hoskins, Carole Ann Wilson, Dylan Brown, Jet Li, Kerry Condon, Michael Jenn, Morgan Freeman, Phyllida Law, Tamer Hassan, Vincent Regan
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Danny the Dog Prods Ltd., EuropaCorp, Rogue Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $50,871,113