In this atmospheric drama directed by David Gordon Green, the story follows two brothers, Chris and Tim, who live with their father in rural Georgia. Their lives take a tumultuous turn when their estranged uncle arrives, bringing with him a dark family secret and a quest for hidden gold. The film stars Jamie Bell and Josh Lucas, whose performances add depth to this Southern Gothic tale. Known for its haunting cinematography and evocative storytelling, the movie captures the essence of familial bonds and survival. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Gordon Green
Actors: Charles 'Jester' Poston, Dermot Mulroney, Devon Alan, Eddie Rouse, Jamie Bell, Josh Lucas, Kristen Stewart, Patrice Johnson, Robert Longstreet, Terry Loughlin
Country: United States of America
Company: Muskat Filmed Properties, Sunflower Productions, United Artists
Worldwide Gross: $156,767