Two Men In Town
In this gripping drama, Forest Whitaker stars as William Garnett, a man recently released from prison who is determined to rebuild his life in a small New Mexico town. The film explores themes of redemption and the struggle against one’s past, as Garnett faces challenges from both the local sheriff, played by Harvey Keitel, and his own inner demons. Directed by Rachid Bouchareb, the movie delves into the complexities of forgiveness and the societal barriers to starting anew. While it did not receive major awards, the performances and direction have been noted for their depth and intensity. For those interested, the film is available to watch for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Rachid Bouchareb
Actors: Brenda Blethyn, Dolores Heredia, Ellen Burstyn, Forest Whitaker, Harvey Keitel, Luis Guzmán, Reg E. Cathey, Sarah Minnich, Stan Carp, Tim Guinee
Country: Algeria, Belgium, France, United States of America
Company: Agence Algérienne pour le Rayonnement Culturel (AARC), Pathé, Tessalit Productions
Worldwide Gross: $213,204