Tutta colpa di Freud
In this Italian comedy-drama directed by Paolo Genovese, the story revolves around a psychoanalyst whose life becomes increasingly complicated due to the romantic entanglements of his three daughters. Each daughter faces unique challenges in love, leading to humorous and heartfelt situations that test the father’s professional and personal boundaries. The film features a talented cast, including Marco Giallini, who brings depth to the role of the beleaguered father. While the movie did not receive major awards, it is noted for its engaging narrative and charming performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Comedy
Director: Paolo Genovese
Actors: Alessandro Gassmann, Anna Foglietta, Antonio Manzini, Claudia Gerini, Daniele Liotti, Laura Adriani, Marco Giallini, Paolo Calabresi, Vinicio Marchioni, Vittoria Puccini
Country: Italy
Company: Lotus Production, Medusa Film, Ministero per i Beni e le AttivitĂ Culturali (MiBAC)
Worldwide Gross: $10,736,157