Tucker and Dale vs. Evil
In this horror-comedy film directed by Eli Craig, two well-meaning hillbillies, Tucker and Dale, find themselves in a series of unfortunate and hilarious misunderstandings with a group of college students. As the students mistakenly believe Tucker and Dale to be dangerous killers, chaos ensues, leading to a series of comedic and gory mishaps. The film stars Tyler Labine and Alan Tudyk, whose performances bring charm and humor to the story. While it didn’t receive major awards, the movie has gained a cult following for its clever twist on horror tropes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Director: Eli Craig
Actors: Adam Beauchesne, Alan Tudyk, Alex Arsenault, Bill Baksa, Brandon Jay McLaren, Chelan Simmons, Christie Laing, Jesse Moss, Joseph Allan Sutherland, Karen Reigh, Katrina Bowden, Philip Granger, Travis Nelson, Tye Evans, Tyler Labine
Country: Canada, India, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Gynormous Pictures, Loubyloo Productions, Reliance Big Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,241,377