In this 1990 film directed by Hal Hartley, the story revolves around the unexpected relationship between a disillusioned young woman and a disenchanted electronics repairman. As they navigate their personal struggles and societal expectations, their bond deepens, leading to profound changes in their lives. The film stars Adrienne Shelly and Martin Donovan, whose performances bring depth to their complex characters. Known for its sharp dialogue and unique storytelling style, the movie is a notable entry in the independent film scene of the early ’90s. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
Director: Hal Hartley
Actors: Adrienne Shelly, Edie Falco, Gary Sauer, Jeff Howard, John MacKay, Karen Sillas, Martin Donovan, Matt Malloy, Rebecca Nelson, Suzanne Costollos
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Channel Four Films, Republic Pictures (II), True Fiction Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $357,400