Troll 2
A family embarks on a vacation to the rural town of Nilbog, only to discover that the seemingly quaint community harbors a dark secret involving vegetarian goblins. The film, directed by Claudio Fragasso, is infamous for its peculiar dialogue and low-budget production, which has garnered it a cult following over the years. Despite its initial reception, it has become a staple in the “so bad it’s good” category of films. Notably, the movie does not feature any trolls, despite its title. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Claudio Fragasso
Actors: Connie Young, Darren Ewing, David McConnell, Deborah Reed, George Hardy, Jason Steadman, Jason Wright, Margo Prey, Michael Stephenson, Robert Ormsby
Country: Italy, United States of America
Company: Filmirage
Worldwide Gross: $1,131