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Big Nick returns to Europe, hot on the trail of Donnie, who finds himself entangled in the dangerous and volatile realm of diamond thieves and the notorious Panther mafia. Together,...
As his marriage begins to unravel, Blake convinces his wife, Charlotte, to leave the city behind and retreat to his secluded childhood residence in the Oregon countryside. Upon reaching the...
A dark and eerie story unfolds as a troubled young woman becomes the object of a fearsome vampire’s fixation, leading to unimaginable terror and chaos.
A successful CEO risks both her professional life and family relationships when she embarks on a passionate romance with her significantly younger intern.
In this action-packed sequel, the beloved blue hedgehog teams up with his new friend Tails to thwart the villainous Dr. Robotnik, who returns with a new partner, Knuckles, in a...
Eddie and Venom find themselves on the run, pursued by forces from both of their realms. As the pressure mounts and their options dwindle, they must make a critical choice...
John Wick is forced out of retirement by a former associate looking to seize control of a shadowy international assassins’ guild. Bound by a blood oath to aid him, Wick...
A once-famous star chooses to take an illicit drug from the underground market, which is a cell-replicating compound that briefly transforms her into a more youthful and improved version of...
A man finds himself in a strange city with no recollection of who he is. As he embarks on a frantic quest to piece together his past, he encounters a...
Fifteen years after leaving the CIA to raise a family, top-tier spies Matt and Emily are forced to return to the espionage scene when their identities are exposed.
Set in a post-Ice Age North America, this animated film follows a young Inuit boy named Kenai who is transformed into a bear as a form of spiritual retribution. As...
The story of a super-secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency’s ultra-competitive training program just as a global threat emerges from a twisted...
Set several years after the first film, Ariel and Prince Eric are happily married with a daughter, Melody. In order to protect Melody from the Sea Witch, Morgana, they have...
In this comedic horror parody, a group of college students is invited to spend a weekend at a haunted mansion, where they encounter a series of bizarre and supernatural events....
In this comedy directed by Jake Kasdan, Cameron Diaz stars as a disenchanted and inappropriate middle school teacher who is more interested in finding a wealthy man to marry than...
After their deceased ex-Captain is wrongfully accused, Lowrey and Burnett set out to prove his innocence, but soon find themselves fleeing for their own safety.
Following a family tragedy, the Deetz family, spanning three generations, makes their way back to their home in Winter River. Lydia, still troubled by the presence of Beetlejuice, finds her...
Author Ben Mears comes back to Jerusalem’s Lot, the town where he grew up, only to find that a vampire with a thirst for blood is terrorizing the community.
Set in the tumultuous landscape of 1870s Montana, this film weaves a narrative of vengeance, hidden truths, and concealed riches. The story begins just before Isaac Broadway’s execution, where he...
When the devil resurfaces with aims to take over the world in human form, Johnny Blaze reluctantly comes out of hiding to transform into the flame-spewing supernatural hero Ghost Rider — and rescue a 10-year-old boy from an unsavory end.
A burger-loving hit man, his philosophical partner, a drug-addled gangster’s moll and a washed-up boxer converge in this sprawling, comedic crime caper. Their adventures unfurl in three stories that ingeniously trip back and forth in time.
In the early 1960s in New York, amidst a lively music scene and significant cultural shifts, a mysterious 19-year-old from Minnesota makes his way to the West Village. Armed with...
Framed in the 1940s for the double murder of his wife and her lover, upstanding banker Andy Dufresne begins a new life at the Shawshank prison, where he puts his...
In this heartwarming drama, Tom Hanks stars as a grumpy yet endearing man whose life takes an unexpected turn when a lively young family moves in next door. As the...
A family’s holiday at a secluded retreat takes a surprising twist when they realize that the island they are visiting is home to a serial killer.
Helena, a pastry chef with a deadly secret, eliminates men who fail to live up to her lofty expectations. Her fiancé, Charlie, seems safe for now, but his sister Becca...
Stand-up comedian Jo Koy has experienced quite a bit, from navigating life with a Filipino mother to raising a teenage son. Now, he’s ready to share his story with you.
In this gripping drama, directed by David Mamet, the story follows Mike Terry, a jiu-jitsu instructor played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, who finds himself entangled in a series of events that...
In this 1980 sci-fi horror film directed by Greydon Clark, a group of unsuspecting campers find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial being in a remote forest. The alien uses deadly,...
In 2013, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond set out on what they envisioned as the ultimate road trip. It began promisingly but ended disastrously. Undeterred, the Top Gear duo returns...
Set in a 1930s British boarding school, the film follows a group of girls whose lives are disrupted by the arrival of a charismatic and enigmatic new student. The story...
Directed by David Cronenberg, this provocative film explores the complex relationship between technology, sexuality, and human desire. It follows a group of individuals who find a unique form of sexual...
In this 2001 action thriller, Jean-Claude Van Damme takes on dual roles as both a notorious serial killer and his genetically engineered clone. The plot follows a determined detective, played...
When Tony Stark’s world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts for another magic-filled year. Harry comes face to face with danger yet again, this time in the form of escaped convict, Sirius Black—and...
In this 2010 drama directed by John Wells, the narrative follows the lives of several corporate executives who face the harsh realities of job loss and economic downturn. The film...
In this animated adventure directed by Enrique Gato, a young boy named Mike embarks on a thrilling mission to the moon to prevent a billionaire from rewriting history. Alongside his...
In this action-packed thriller directed by Olivier Megaton, Liam Neeson reprises his role as Bryan Mills, a former government operative who finds himself framed for a brutal murder he did...
WALL·E is the last robot left on an Earth that has been overrun with garbage and all humans have fled to outer space. For 700 years he has continued to try and clean up the mess, but has developed some rather interesting human-like qualities. When a ship arrives with a sleek new type of robot, WALL·E thinks he’s finally found a friend and stows away on the ship when it leaves.
Peter Parker is an outcast high schooler abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents’ disappearance – leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father’s former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors’ alter ego, The Lizard,...
Whether in their natural habitats or confined environments, animals have the potential to inflict severe harm on humans. Zoologist Nigel Marven explores a selection of the most extraordinary incidents of...
Join our sinister guide, Dr. Vincent Van Gore, as he ushers you into the forbidden realm of the deceased. This collection features only the most gruesome car crashes, suicides, and...
In a retirement home for seniors, a woman delves into her mother’s journal. Before long, the occurrences detailed in the mother’s writings start unfolding in the daughter’s own life.
A young girl from the countryside moves to the city and takes a job at a brothel to support her fiancé in raising funds for his new business venture. The...
Bobby Stano seemed to have it all. Just after graduating high school, he was recruited by a major league team and had a stunning girlfriend, with his future appearing bright....
In this iconic horror film, a masked figure named Michael Myers escapes from a mental institution and returns to his hometown to wreak havoc on Halloween night. The story follows...
During a backpacking expedition in the Adirondack High Peaks, a man experiences a terrifying confrontation with a monster, leaving him isolated and disoriented. Struggling to survive and maintain his sanity,...
In this atmospheric horror film, a real estate agent named Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to assist Count Dracula with a property purchase, only to discover the Count’s dark secret....
In this chilling installment of the Conjuring series, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren, played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, tackle one of their most sensational cases involving a...
Directed by Eva Longoria, this 2023 film tells the inspiring story of Richard Montañez, a Frito-Lay janitor who revolutionized the food industry by channeling his Mexican-American heritage to create a...
A young girl realizes she has the ability to see everyone’s imaginary friends and sets off on an enchanting journey to reunite these forgotten companions with the children who created...
While exploring the far reaches of an abandoned space station, a team of young space settlers encounters the most frightening creature in the cosmos.
Sean “Puffy” Combs, Jim Jones, Kevin Liles, Rick Ross, Paul Wall and other big names in hip-hop make cameos in this unconventional documentary about the lifestyle and career of Atlanta...
Several years following the tragic demise of the esteemed hero Maximus, which he witnessed at the hands of his uncle, Lucius finds himself compelled to fight in the Colosseum. This...
After the devastating loss of his closest friend London, young architect Dawson is struck by unexpected news. In his grief, he feels driven to embark on a seemingly impossible quest...
An elder sister embarks on a road trip with her daring runaway sibling, aiming to recount the most spine-tingling stories linked to their hometown.
In Mexico City during the 1950s, William Lee, an American expatriate in his late forties, lives a lonely existence within a tight-knit American enclave. The situation changes when Eugene Allerton,...
In this South Korean action-comedy, two young police academy cadets, played by Park Seo-joon and Kang Ha-neul, find themselves embroiled in a thrilling and dangerous mission after witnessing a kidnapping....
(SIRIUS 6B, Year 2078) On a distant mining planet ravaged by a decade of war, scientists have created the perfect weapon: a blade-wielding, self-replicating race of killing devices known as Screamers designed for one purpose only — to hunt down and destroy all enemy life forms.
Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Italy, this film delves into the tumultuous and passionate relationship between Ida Dalser and Benito Mussolini. As Ida’s life becomes intertwined with Mussolini’s...
Three women, detectives with a mysterious boss, retrieve stolen voice-ID software, using martial arts, tech skills, and sex appeal.
In this action-comedy sequel, LAPD Detective James Carter, played by Chris Tucker, and Hong Kong Inspector Lee, portrayed by Jackie Chan, find themselves embroiled in a new adventure that takes...
Directed by Oliver Stone, this film is a poignant portrayal of the harrowing events of September 11, 2001, focusing on the true story of two Port Authority police officers, John...
Set against the backdrop of a Broadway theater, this film delves into the intense and emotional audition process for a new musical. The story follows a group of hopeful dancers,...
Following a harrowing experience, celebrated actress Emily Moore and her psychiatrist husband, Robert, seek solace on a serene getaway to a stunning, secluded Mediterranean island. However, their peace is disrupted...
In this animated feature, a young Chinese woman disguises herself as a man to take her ailing father’s place in the army, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and heroism....
In this comedic adventure set in the early 19th century, two inept explorers, played by Chris Farley and Matthew Perry, embark on a race to beat the legendary Lewis and...
In this romantic comedy directed by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa, a middle-aged man named Cal Weaver, played by Steve Carell, finds his life turned upside down when his marriage...
In this action-packed disaster film, a massive earthquake devastates California, prompting a daring rescue mission led by a skilled helicopter pilot, played by Dwayne Johnson. As the ground shakes and...
A tour guide at a haunted house, feeling the presence of malevolent forces, consults a medium who cautions her about a vengeful entity that is far beyond her ability to...
In this psychological horror film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, a grieving couple adopts a mysterious nine-year-old girl named Esther after the loss of their unborn child. As Esther integrates into...
Tadashi Imamura, a thief, looks up to Ozaki, a famous baseball player who happens to share his birthday. Eventually, Tadashi discovers that their bond goes beyond this coincidence, prompting him...
In this 2019 romantic drama directed by Jenny Gage, the story follows Tessa Young, a dedicated student and loyal girlfriend, as she embarks on her first year of college. Her...
A professional diver finds himself trapped on the ocean floor with just five minutes’ worth of oxygen, yet rescue is over half an hour away. Utilizing incredible archival footage, this...
This 1927 silent film, directed by F.W. Murnau, explores the complexities of love and redemption through the story of a married farmer who is tempted by a city woman. The...
In a dystopian near-future, the U.S. government plans to broadcast a signal that makes it impossible for anyone to commit unlawful acts. As the nation braces for this drastic measure,...