Tom and Jerry: Santa’s Little Helpers
In this animated holiday special, the iconic cat-and-mouse duo, Tom and Jerry, find themselves in a festive adventure filled with mischief and mayhem. As they navigate the North Pole, they inadvertently become Santa’s little helpers, bringing their unique brand of chaos to the holiday season. The film features the classic slapstick humor and dynamic animation that fans have come to love. While it may not have received any notable awards, it remains a delightful watch for families and children. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Director: Darrell Van Citters
Actors: Edie McClurg, Kath Soucie, Mark Hamill, Nickie Bryar
Country: United States of America
Company: Renegade Animation, Turner Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation