Directed by Kenneth Branagh, this 2011 film introduces audiences to the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s take on the Norse god of thunder. The story follows the titular character, played by Chris Hemsworth, as he is cast out of the mystical realm of Asgard and sent to Earth, where he must learn humility to reclaim his powers. The film features a strong supporting cast, including Natalie Portman and Tom Hiddleston, who plays the complex antagonist, Loki. While it did not win any major awards, the movie is noted for its blend of Shakespearean drama and superhero action. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 34
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Marvel
Director: Kenneth Branagh
Actors: Adriana Barraza, Alexander Wright, Anthony Hopkins, Blake Silver, Buddy Sosthand, Carrie Lazar, Chris Hemsworth, Clark Gregg, Colm Feore, Dakota Goyo, Dale Godboldo, Darren Kendrick, Douglas Tait, Harley Graham, Hilary Pingle, Idris Elba, Isaac Kappy, J. Michael Straczynski, Jaimie Alexander, Jamie McShane, Jason Camp, Jeremy Renner, Jim Palmer, Joel McCrary, Joseph Gatt, Josh Dallas, Joshua Cox, Juliet Lopez, Justice Jesse Smith, Kat Dennings, Kelly Hawthorne, Kinsey McLean, Luke Massy, Matt Battaglia, Matthew Ducey, Maximiliano Hernández, Natalie Portman, Patrick O'Brien Demsey, Ray Stevenson, Rene Russo, Richard Cetrone, Rob Mars, Ryan Schaefer, Samuel L. Jackson, Seth Coltan, Shawn-Caulin Young, Stan Lee, Stellan Skarsgård, Tadanobu Asano, Ted Allpress, Tom Hiddleston, Walt Simonson
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $449,326,618