The Wishmas Tree
In this animated adventure, a young possum named Kerry embarks on a quest to save her home, Sanctuary City, from an eternal winter. Her journey leads her to the magical Wishmas Tree, where she hopes to reverse the wish that caused the seasonal imbalance. The film features the voice talents of Miranda Tapsell and Ross Noble, bringing the vibrant characters to life. Directed by Ricard Cussó, this family-friendly tale combines themes of courage and environmental awareness. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Fantasy
Director: Ricard Cussó
Actors: Brooke Boney, Ed Oxenbould, Kate Murphy, Miranda Tapsell, Patrick Cridland, Ricard Cussó, Ross Noble, Ryan Renshaw
Country: Australia, United States of America
Company: Like A Photon Creative, Odin's Eye Entertainment, Particular Crowd
Worldwide Gross: $1,793,562