The Villainess
In this high-octane South Korean action thriller, the story follows a highly skilled female assassin who is recruited by a secretive government agency, offering her a chance at freedom after ten years of service. The film is renowned for its intense and innovative action sequences, which are both visually stunning and meticulously choreographed. Directed by Jung Byung-gil, the movie stars Kim Ok-bin in a powerful lead performance that anchors the film’s emotional depth. While it did not win major awards, it was well-received for its stylistic approach and narrative complexity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Jung Byung-gil
Actors: Cho Eun-ji, Jung Hae-kyun, Kim Ok-vin, Kim Seo-hyung, Lee Seung-joo, Min Ye-ji, Park Cheol-min, Park Chul-min, Shin Ha-kyun, Son Min-ji, Sung Joon
Country: South Korea
Company: Apeitda, Next Entertainment World (NEW)
Worldwide Gross: $8,737,458