The Untouchables
Set during the Prohibition era, this gripping crime drama follows the determined federal agent Eliot Ness, played by Kevin Costner, as he assembles a small, handpicked team to bring down the notorious gangster Al Capone, portrayed by Robert De Niro. The film is directed by Brian De Palma and features a standout performance by Sean Connery, who won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as the seasoned cop, Jim Malone. The movie is renowned for its intense action sequences and its iconic score by Ennio Morricone. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 30
Genre: Crime, Drama, History, Thriller
Director: Brian De Palma
Actors: Aditra Kohl, Andy GarcĂa, Anthony Mockus Sr., Basil Reale, Billy Drago, Bob Martana, Brad Sullivan, Charles Keller Watson, Charles Martin Smith, Chelcie Ross, Clem Caserta, Clifton James, Colleen Bade, Del Close, Don Harvey, Eddie Minasian, George S. Spataro, Greg Noonan, Jack Fitzstephens, Jack Kehoe, James Guthrie, Jennifer Anglin, Joe Greco, John Barrowman, John Bracci, John J. Walsh, Joseph Scianablo, Kaitlin Montgomery, Kevin Costner, Kevin Michael Doyle, Larry Brandenburg, Larry Viverito Sr., Louie Lanciloti, Matt Johnston, Melody Rae, Michael P. Byrne, Mike Bacarella, Pat Billingsley, Patricia Clarkson, Peter Aylward, Richard Bradford, Robert De Niro, Robert Minkoff, Robert Miranda, Robert Swan, Sam Smiley, Sean Connery, Sean Grennan, Stephen Burrows, Steven Goldstein, Tim Gamble, Valentino Cimo, Vince Viverito, Vito D'Ambrosio, Will Zahrn, William Rossman
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $76,272,360