The Town
In this gripping crime drama, a group of seasoned bank robbers from Boston’s Charlestown neighborhood, led by Doug MacRay, find their lives complicated when Doug develops feelings for a bank manager they briefly took hostage. As the crew plans their next heist, Doug’s growing attachment to the woman threatens to unravel their tight-knit operation. The film stars Ben Affleck, who also directed, alongside Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Hall, and Jon Hamm. Renner’s performance earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 36
Director: Ben Affleck
Actors: Adam Masnyk, Alex East, Ben Affleck, Blake Lively, Brian A. White, Brian Scannell, Carlos Foglia, Chick Bernhard, Chris Cooper, Chris Palermo, Corena Chase, Dan Marshall, David Boston, David Struffolino, Dennis McLaughlin, Duncan B. Putney, Gary Galone, George J. Vezina, Georgia Lyman, Jeff Martineau, Jeffrey Corazzini, Jeffrey Feingold, Jeremiah Kissel, Jeremy Renner, Jim Ford, John Franchi, Jon Hamm, Joseph Oliveira, Kerri Dunbar, Kevin McCormick, London Hall, Mark Falvo, Michael Yebba, Nicholas Cairis, Owen Burke, Pete Postlethwaite, Peter Looney, Peter Postlethwaite, Rebecca Hall, Rich Manley, Slaine, Stephen Bishop, Ted Arcidi, Thomas McGowan, Thomas Olson, Titus Welliver, Tony V., Victor Garber, William Xifaras
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, GK Films, Legendary Entertainment, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $154,026,136