The Tag-Along 2
In this chilling Taiwanese horror sequel, a social worker named Shu-fen embarks on a desperate search for her missing daughter, only to uncover a series of supernatural events linked to a mysterious little girl in red. The film stars Rainie Yang and Hsu Wei-ning, who deliver compelling performances that drive the suspenseful narrative. Directed by Wei-Hao Cheng, the movie delves into themes of motherhood and the supernatural, creating an eerie atmosphere that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Wei-Hao Cheng
Actors: Chiao Yuan-Yuan, Francesca Kao, Rainie Yang, River Huang, Siu Wa Lung, Tiffany Hsu
Country: Taiwan
Company: Ambassandor Theatres, CMC Entertainment, Damou Entertainment