The Spiderwick Chronicles
In this 2008 fantasy adventure directed by Mark Waters, a family moves into a secluded old mansion and discovers a hidden world of magical creatures. The story follows the Grace siblings as they uncover a mysterious field guide that reveals the existence of fairies, goblins, and other mystical beings. Freddie Highmore stars in dual roles, bringing to life the complex dynamics of the twin brothers at the heart of the tale. The film is based on the popular book series by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black, capturing the imagination with its enchanting visuals and engaging storyline. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 25
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Mark Waters
Actors: Andrew McCarthy, David Strathairn, Freddie Highmore, Joan Plowright, Jordy Benattar, Lise Durocher-Viens, Martin Short, Mary-Louise Parker, Nick Nolte, Sarah Bolger, Seth Rogen
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Nickelodeon Movies, Paramount Pictures, The Kennedy/Marshall Company
Worldwide Gross: $164,170,327