The Souvenir Part II
In this introspective sequel, a young film student, played by Honor Swinton Byrne, navigates the aftermath of a tumultuous relationship as she channels her experiences into her graduation film. The narrative delves into themes of grief, self-discovery, and artistic expression, offering a poignant exploration of personal and creative growth. Tilda Swinton, the protagonist’s real-life mother, delivers a compelling performance, adding depth to the familial dynamics portrayed on screen. Directed by Joanna Hogg, the film continues to showcase her distinctive storytelling style. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Joanna Hogg
Actors: Ariane Labed, Charlie Heaton, Frankie Wilson, Harris Dickinson, Honor Swinton Byrne, Jack McMullen, James Spencer Ashworth, Jaygann Ayeh, Joe Alwyn, Richard Ayoade
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: BBC Film, British Film Institute (BFI), Sikelia Productions
Worldwide Gross: $380,778