The Set-Up
In this gripping film noir directed by Robert Wise, the story unfolds around an aging boxer named Stoker Thompson, played by Robert Ryan, who is determined to prove he still has what it takes in the ring. As he prepares for what could be his last fight, he remains unaware that his manager has made a deal for him to take a dive. The tension builds as Stoker’s personal and professional life collide, leading to a dramatic climax. The film is notable for its real-time narrative structure, adding to the intensity of the unfolding drama. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Wise
Actors: Alan Baxter, Audrey Totter, Darryl Hickman, George Tobias, Hal Baylor, James Edwards, Kevin O'Morrison, Percy Helton, Robert Ryan, Wallace Ford
Country: United States of America
Company: RKO Radio Pictures