The Reader
Set in post-World War II Germany, this film follows the complex relationship between a young man named Michael Berg and an older woman, Hanna Schmitz, who harbors a secret that impacts both their lives profoundly. As Michael grows up, he becomes a law student and encounters Hanna again under unexpected circumstances, leading to moral and ethical dilemmas. The film stars Kate Winslet, who delivers a powerful performance that earned her an Academy Award for Best Actress. Directed by Stephen Daldry, the movie explores themes of guilt, redemption, and the impact of the past on the present. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance
Director: Stephen Daldry
Actors: Alexandra Maria Lara, Bruno Ganz, Burghart Klaußner, Carmen-Maja Antoni, David Kross, Fabian Busch, Florian Bartholomäi, Hannah Herzsprung, Heike Hanold-Lynch, Jeanette Hain, Jürgen Tarrach, Karoline Herfurth, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Block, Lena Olin, Linda Bassett, Margarita Broich, Marie Gruber, Martin Brambach, Matthias Habich, Moritz Grove, Ralph Fiennes, Susanne Lothar, Sylvester Groth, Vijessna Ferkic, Volker Bruch
Country: Germany, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Mirage Enterprises, Studio Babelsberg, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $108,902,486