The Queen’s Corgi
In this animated adventure, audiences are introduced to Rex, the British monarch’s most beloved corgi, who finds himself on an unexpected journey of self-discovery. After a series of misadventures, Rex must navigate the challenges of life outside the palace and find his way back home. Directed by Ben Stassen, the film features a talented voice cast, including Jack Whitehall and Julie Walters. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the film is noted for its charming animation and humorous take on royal life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Family
Director: Ben Stassen, Vincent Kesteloot
Actors: Camila Rhodes, Dino Andrade, Jo Wyatt, Joey Camen, Kirk Thornton, Leo Barakat, Madison Brown, Mari Devon, Nicole Moorea Sherman, Rusty Shackleford
Country: Belgium, United States of America
Company: Belga Films Fund, King Dom Productions, nWave Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company
Worldwide Gross: $35,515,687