The Punk Syndrome
“The Punk Syndrome” is a documentary that delves into the world of Finland’s most dynamic punk rock group, Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät. The band, consisting of Pertti, Kari, Toni, and Sami, all of whom have mental disabilities, perform their music with immense passion and pride. The film chronicles their rise from being unknown to gaining widespread recognition. Throughout their journey, we see them navigate personal conflicts, fall in love, and experience intense emotions. The documentary captures their long hours in the recording studio and life on the road. They share moments of laughter and tears, engage in disputes over who gets the coveted front seat on the tour bus, and eventually reconcile to engage with their audience, proudly promoting their band.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, Drama, Music
Director: J-P Passi, Jukka Kärkkäinen
Actors: Aira Välitalo, Jari Nordström, Kalle Pajamaa, Kari Aalto, Kyösti Välitalo, Niila Suoranta, Pertti Kurikka, Sami Helle, Sirkka Leikola, Toni Välitalo
Country: Finland, Norway, Sweden
Company: Auto Images, Film i Skåne, Mouka Filmi, Mouka Filmi Oy
Worldwide Gross: $166,006