The Polka King
In this comedic biopic, Jack Black stars as Jan Lewan, a charismatic Polish immigrant who becomes a beloved polka band leader in Pennsylvania. As his popularity grows, Lewan’s ambition leads him to orchestrate a Ponzi scheme, promising investors high returns while funding his extravagant lifestyle. The film, directed by Maya Forbes, explores themes of ambition and deception with a humorous touch. It offers a fascinating look at the rise and fall of a man who dared to dream big, and it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Director: Maya Forbes
Actors: J.B. Smoove, Jack Black, Jacki Weaver, Jason Schwartzman, Jenny Slate, Mary Klug, Robert Capron, Robert Macaux, Vanessa Bayer, Willie Garson
Country: United States of America
Company: Electric Dynamite, Permut Presentations, ShivHans Pictures