The Pit
In this 1981 horror film, a young boy named Jamie discovers a mysterious pit in the woods near his home, inhabited by strange creatures. As Jamie grapples with his loneliness and the bullying he faces, he begins to use the pit and its inhabitants to exact revenge on those who wrong him. The film stars Sammy Snyders as Jamie and Jeannie Elias, and it is directed by Lew Lehman. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie is noted for its unique blend of psychological horror and dark fantasy elements. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Lew Lehman
Actors: Andrea Swartz, Jeannie Elias, John Auten, Laura Hollingsworth, Laura Press, Paul Grisham, Richard Alden, Sammy Snyders, Sonja Smits, Wendy Schmidt
Country: Canada
Company: Amulet Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $560