The Pianist
Set against the harrowing backdrop of World War II, this film follows the true story of Władysław Szpilman, a gifted Polish-Jewish pianist, as he struggles to survive the Nazi occupation of Warsaw. Adrien Brody delivers a powerful performance in the lead role, capturing the resilience and despair of a man clinging to hope amidst unimaginable adversity. Directed by Roman Polański, the film is a poignant exploration of human endurance and the transformative power of music. It received critical acclaim, winning three Academy Awards, including Best Director and Best Actor. For those interested, the movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 12
Genre: Biography, Drama, Music, Palme d'Or winners, Top250Movies, War
Director: Roman Polański
Actors: Adam Bauman, Adrian Hood, Adrien Brody, Andrew Tiernan, Andrzej Blumenfeld, Andrzej Pieczynski, Andrzej Szenajch, Andrzej Walden, Andrzej Zieliński, Anthony Milner, Axel Prahl, Ben Harlan, Borys Szyc, Cezary Kosinski, Cyril Shaps, Daniel Caltagirone, Detlev von Wangenheim, Dorota Liliental, Ed Stoppard, Emilia Fox, Frank Finlay, Grzegorz Artman, Jaroslaw Kopaczewski, Jerzy Góralczyk, Jessica Kate Meyer, Joachim Paul Assböck, Joanna Brodzik, John Bennett, John Keogh, Julia Rayner, Katarzyna Bargiełowska, Katarzyna Figura, Krzysztof Pieczyński, Lech Mackiewicz, Lucy Skeaping, Maciej Kowalewski, Maciej Winkler, Maja Ostaszewska, Marian Dziędziel, Maureen Lipman, Michal Zebrowski, Morgane Polanski, Nina Franoszek, Nomi Sharron, Norbert Rakowski, Patrick Lanagan, Paul Bradley, Paweł Burczyk, Paweł Małaszyński, Peter Rappenglück, Piotr Siejka, Popeck, Rafał Dajbor, Rafał Mohr, Richard Ridings, Roddy Skeaping, Ronan Vibert, Roy Smiles, Ruth Platt, Ryszard Kluge, Tadeusz Wojtych, Thomas Kretschmann, Thomas Lawinky, Tom Strauss, Tomasz Tyndyk, Udo Kroschwald, Uwe Rathsam, Valentine Pelka, Wanja Mues, Wojciech Smolarz, Zbigniew Dziduch, Zbigniew Walerys, Zbigniew Zamachowski, Zofia Czerwińska
Country: France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Heritage Films, R.P. Productions, Studio Babelsberg
Worldwide Gross: $120,098,945