The Naked Gun 2 ½: The Smell of Fear
In this comedic sequel, bumbling police detective Frank Drebin, played by Leslie Nielsen, returns to thwart a conspiracy involving a prominent scientist and the energy industry. The film is directed by David Zucker and features a blend of slapstick humor and clever wordplay, characteristic of the series. Priscilla Presley and George Kennedy reprise their roles, adding to the film’s charm. While it didn’t win any major awards, the movie is noted for its satirical take on environmental issues. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Zucker
Actors: Anthony James, George Kennedy, Jacqueline Brookes, Leslie Nielsen, Lloyd Bochner, O.J. Simpson, Priscilla Presley, Richard Griffiths, Robert Goulet, Tim O'Connor, Лесли Нилсен
Country: United States of America
Company: Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $86,930,411