The Mule
In this darkly comedic crime thriller, a hapless man becomes an unwitting drug mule, forced to smuggle narcotics across international borders. As he finds himself detained by law enforcement, he must rely on his wits and endurance to outlast the authorities’ attempts to extract the contraband from his body. Angus Sampson, who also co-directs the film, stars alongside Hugo Weaving and Leigh Whannell, delivering gripping performances that add depth to the tense narrative. The film explores themes of desperation and survival with a unique blend of humor and suspense. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Angus Sampson, Tony Mahony
Actors: Angus Sampson, Chris Pang, Ewen Leslie, Geoff Morrell, Georgina Haig, Hugo Weaving, John Noble, Leigh Whannell, Nick Farnell, Noni Hazlehurst
Country: Australia
Company: 4Cows, Cherub Films, Nervous Tick Productions, Screen Australia