The Little Vampire
In this animated adventure, a young vampire named Rudolph finds himself in a precarious situation when a notorious vampire hunter threatens his family. Teaming up with a human boy named Tony, who is fascinated by vampires, they embark on a thrilling journey to save Rudolph’s clan. The film features the voice talents of Rasmus Hardiker and Amy Saville, bringing the characters to life with charm and humor. Directed by Karsten Kiilerich, this family-friendly movie combines elements of fantasy and friendship. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Genre: Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Director: Karsten Kiilerich, Richard Claus
Actors: Alice Krige, Amy Saville, Diane Wilson, Jim Carter, Joseph Kloska, Julia Rhodes, Kevin Otto, Phoebe Givron-Taylor, Rasmus Hardiker, Tim Pigott-Smith
Country: Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom
Company: A. Film, Ambient Entertainment GmbH, Cool Beans
Worldwide Gross: $13,808,590