The Incredibles
In this animated adventure, a family of superheroes is forced to live a quiet suburban life after being banned from using their powers. However, they are soon called back into action to save the world from a new threat. Directed by Brad Bird, the film features the voices of stars like Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, and Samuel L. Jackson. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and is celebrated for its engaging storyline and innovative animation. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 110
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, Kids, Pixar, Top250Movies
Director: Brad Bird
Actors: A.J. Riebli III, Andrew Stanton, Billy Guardino, Bob Peterson, Bob Scott, Brad Bird, Brad Lewis, Bret 'Brook' Parker, Bud Luckey, Craig T. Nelson, Deirdre Warin, Dennis 'D.J.' Jennings, Dominique Louis, Eli Fucile, Elizabeth Greenberg, Elizabeth Peña, Emmy Clarke, Frank Thomas, Holly Hunter, Jason Lee, Jazzie Mahannah, Jean Sincere, Jeff Pidgeon, Joe Ranft, John Ratzenberger, Juliet Greenberg, Juliet Pokorny, Katherine Ringgold, Kimberly Adair Clark, Lori Richardson, Lou Romano, Louis Gonzales, Louis Martin Braga III, Maeve Andrews, Mark Andrews, Michael Bird, Nicholas Bird, Ollie Johnston, Pamela Gaye Walker, Patrick Walker, Pete Docter, Peter Sohn, Randy Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Stephen Schaffer, Ted Mathot, Teddy Newton, Wallace Shawn, Wayne Canney
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Pixar Animation Studios, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $631,688,498