The Hunting Party
In this gripping drama directed by Richard Shepard, a disillusioned journalist, played by Richard Gere, embarks on a dangerous quest in post-war Bosnia to track down a notorious war criminal. Accompanied by a cameraman and a rookie reporter, the trio navigates a landscape fraught with political tension and moral ambiguity. The film explores themes of justice and redemption, offering a thought-provoking narrative that challenges perceptions of truth and heroism. While it did not receive major awards, the movie is notable for its intense performances and sharp storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Thriller
Director: Richard Shepard
Actors: Diane Kruger, Goran Kostić, James Brolin, Jesse Eisenberg, Kristina Krepela, Lejla Hadzimuratovic, Ljubomir Kerekeš, Mark Ivanir, Richard Gere, Terrence Howard
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Mexico, United States of America
Company: Cherry Road Films, Intermedia, The Weinstein Company
Worldwide Gross: $7,674,033