The Host
In a future where Earth has been colonized by an alien species known as “Souls,” a young woman named Melanie Stryder, played by Saoirse Ronan, fights to retain her identity after being captured and implanted with a Soul called Wanderer. As Melanie’s consciousness remains active, she forms an unlikely alliance with Wanderer to protect her loved ones. Directed by Andrew Niccol, the film explores themes of identity, love, and resistance in a world where human bodies are vessels for alien minds. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 10
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Andrew Niccol
Actors: Alex Russell, Boyd Holbrook, Chandler Canterbury, Danny Glover, Diane Kruger, Frances Fisher, Jake Abel, Max Irons, Saoirse Ronan, Stephen Rider, William Hurt
Country: Switzerland, United States of America
Company: Chockstone Pictures, Fickle Fish Films, Nick Wechsler Productions, Silver Reel
Worldwide Gross: $63,365,859