The Guilt Trip
In this 2012 comedy directed by Anne Fletcher, a young inventor, played by Seth Rogen, embarks on a cross-country road trip to sell his latest product. Accompanying him is his overbearing mother, portrayed by Barbra Streisand, leading to a journey filled with unexpected detours and heartfelt moments. The film explores themes of family dynamics and personal growth, with the chemistry between Rogen and Streisand providing much of the film’s charm. While it didn’t receive any major awards, the movie offers a blend of humor and sentimentality. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Anne Fletcher
Actors: Adam Scott, Ari Graynor, Barbra Streisand, Brett Cullen, Casey Wilson, Colin Hanks, Danny Pudi, Kathy Najimy, Seth Rogen, Yvonne Strahovski
Country: United States of America
Company: Michaels Goldwyn, Paramount Pictures, Skydance Media
Worldwide Gross: $41,863,726