The Grinch
In this animated adaptation, the story follows a grumpy, green creature who despises the festive cheer of the nearby town and devises a plan to steal Christmas. The film features the voice talents of Benedict Cumberbatch, who brings a unique charm to the titular character. Directed by Scott Mosier and Yarrow Cheney, the movie offers a visually vibrant and heartwarming take on the classic tale. While it didn’t receive major awards, it was praised for its animation and voice performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 575
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Comedy, Holiday Family
Director: Scott Mosier, Yarrow Cheney
Actors: Angela Lansbury, Benedict Cumberbatch, Cameron Seely, Kenan Thompson, Michael Beattie, Pharrell Williams, Ramone Hamilton, Rashida Jones, Sam Lavagnino, Scarlett Estevez
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Dr. Seuss Enterprises, Illumination Entertainment, Universal Animation Studios, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $539,032,799