The Great Gilly Hopkins
In this heartwarming family drama, a feisty and rebellious young girl named Gilly Hopkins navigates the challenges of the foster care system. As she moves from one foster home to another, Gilly’s tough exterior is tested when she meets Maime Trotter, a kind-hearted woman who sees beyond her bravado. The film features standout performances by Kathy Bates and Glenn Close, adding depth to the emotional narrative. Directed by Stephen Herek, the movie explores themes of belonging and acceptance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Stephen Herek
Actors: Bill Cobbs, Billy Magnussen, Clare Foley, Glenn Close, Julia Stiles, Kathy Bates, Octavia Spencer, Sammy Pignalosa, Sophie NĂ©lisse, Zachary Hernandez
Country: United States of America
Company: Arcady Bay Entertainment, Latium Films, Lionsgate Premiere
Worldwide Gross: $97,798