The Great Dictator
In this satirical comedy-drama, Charlie Chaplin takes on dual roles as a ruthless dictator and a humble Jewish barber, exploring themes of tyranny and humanity. The film cleverly juxtaposes the lives of these two characters, highlighting the absurdity of authoritarian rule and the resilience of the human spirit. Notably, this was Chaplin’s first true sound film, and it received five Academy Award nominations. The movie is renowned for its bold political commentary during a time of global unrest. You can watch it for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Top250Movies, War
Director: Charles Chaplin
Actors: Billy Gilbert, Carter DeHaven, Charles Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin, Emma Dunn, Grace Hayle, Henry Daniell, Jack Oakie, Maurice Moscovitch, Paulette Goddard, Reginald Gardiner
Country: United States of America
Company: Charles Chaplin Productions
Worldwide Gross: $972,212