The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
In this gripping Swedish thriller, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, played by Michael Nyqvist, teams up with the enigmatic and skilled hacker Lisbeth Salander, portrayed by Noomi Rapace, to solve a decades-old disappearance of a wealthy industrialist’s niece. The film, directed by Niels Arden Oplev, is an adaptation of the best-selling novel by Stieg Larsson and is noted for its intense and atmospheric storytelling. It received critical acclaim for its performances and direction, winning the BAFTA Award for Best Film Not in the English Language. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
Views: 9
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Niels Arden Oplev
Actors: Alice McMunn, Björn Granath, Cara Seymour, Cora Benesh, Denise Chanterelle DuBois, Ewa Fröling, Ingvar Hirdwall, John Breen, Katherine Flynn, Lena Endre, Loren Hoskins, Marika Lagercrantz, Melik Malkasian, Michael Nyqvist, Noomi Rapace, Peter Andersson, Peter Haber, Sven-Bertil Taube
Country: Denmark, Germany, Norway, Spain, Sweden
Company: Sveriges Television (SVT), Yellow Bird, ZDF Enterprises
Worldwide Gross: $104,414,200