The Flash
In this 2023 film directed by Andy Muschietti, the narrative follows the titular superhero as he navigates a complex multiverse, attempting to alter past events to save his family. This journey, however, leads to unintended consequences that threaten the fabric of reality itself. The movie features a star-studded cast, including Ezra Miller in the lead role, alongside notable appearances by Michael Keaton and Ben Affleck. While it has not received any major awards, it has been noted for its ambitious storytelling and visual effects. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 72
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Featured movies, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Andy Muschietti
Actors: Antje Traue, Ben Affleck, Ezra Miller, Ian Loh, Kiersey Clemons, Maribel Verdú, Michael Keaton, Michael Shannon, Ron Livingston, Rudy Mancuso, Saoirse-Monica Jackson, Sasha Calle
Country: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United States of America
Company: DC Comics, DC Entertainment, New Zealand Film Commission
Worldwide Gross: $271,433,313