The Father
In this poignant drama, an aging man grapples with the disorienting effects of dementia, as his reality becomes increasingly fragmented. The film stars the legendary Anthony Hopkins, whose performance earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor, and Olivia Colman, who plays his daughter. Directed by Florian Zeller, the movie is an adaptation of his own acclaimed play. It offers a deeply immersive experience into the protagonist’s mind, challenging viewers to question the nature of perception and memory. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 14
Genre: Drama, Featured movies, Golden Globe Nominated 2021, Mystery, Oscar 2021, Top250Movies
Director: Florian Zeller
Actors: Anthony Hopkins, Ayesha Dharker, Brian Rodger, Evie Wray, Imogen Poots, Mark Gatiss, Olivia Colman, Olivia Williams, Roman Zeller, Rufus Sewell
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Film4, Les Films du Cru, Orange Studio
Worldwide Gross: $24,048,935