The Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift
In this high-octane installment of the popular franchise, a rebellious teenager named Sean Boswell finds himself immersed in the underground world of drift racing in Tokyo. As he navigates the challenges of a new culture and the dangerous racing scene, Sean must prove himself against local racers, including the Drift King. The film features Lucas Black in the lead role, with Sung Kang delivering a memorable performance as Han. Directed by Justin Lin, this movie is known for its thrilling race sequences and vibrant depiction of Tokyo’s street racing culture. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 131
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Justin Lin
Actors: Aiko Tanaka, Alden Ray, Amber Stevens, Ashika Gogna, Atley Siauw, Brandon Brendel, Brian Goodman, Brian Tee, Britten Kelley, Caroline de Souza Correa, Christian Salazar, Damien Marzett, Daniel Booko, Danny Ray McDonald II, David V. Thomas, Hidesuke Motoki, Hiroshi Hatayama, Jason Tobin, Jimmy Lin, Joseph Crumpton, Julius Trey Sanford, Kaila Yu, Kazuki Namioka, Kazutoshi Wadakura, Keiichi Tsuchiya, Keiko Kitagawa, Kevin Caira, Kevin Ryan, Koji Kataoka, Konishiki, Leonardo Nam, Lucas Black, Lynda Boyd, Mari Jaramillo, Mikiko Yano, Mitsuki Koga, Nathalie Kelley, Nikki Griffin, Rie Shibata, Satoshi Tsumabuki, Shad Moss, Shoko Nakagawa, Silvia Suvadová, Sonny Chiba, Stuart Yee, Sung Kang, Tak Kubota, Tina Tsunoda, Toshi Hayama, Trula M. Marcus, Verena Mei, Vin Diesel, Vincent Laresca, Wendy Watanabe, Yoko Maki, Zachery Ty Bryan
Country: Germany, Japan, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Original Film, Relativity Media, Universal Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $158,968,749